Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Ticking of the Clock

Another Sunday morning, another cup of coffee.  I would have written on Saturday but there was an awesome garage sale I had to get to early. I met up with my friend Megan and we spent the day looking for deals.  Who doesn't love a good deal? Crazy people. That's who! My best buy of the day was an item I had been looking for, but finding for no less than $20, used. Yesterday I found it for $1!!! Its an older version, but it doesn't bother me any.

I'll keep my eyes open for a newer folio version, but this will do very nicely for now. I even managed to find this little gem that should fit nicely inside.

If you can't read it, it's a Vest Pocket Webster Dictionary.  Not the be all and end all of dictionaries, but it may be helpful.

The two things I'm still on the hunt for are (and I'm always on the hunt for something) a good picnic basket and a train case. I bought a picnic basket for $1 yesterday that will do until I can find something better that I really like, but by the time I got home I was already not very happy with it.
I'd like to find something like this:

Or this:

So I can bring wine or a thermos along. Or both :)

On another note, A week from Wednesday we will have all the money we'll have to go buy our new home.  It will be cheap. Not like the 20 or 30 thousand some others can afford. We would be happy just to have $5,000.  We have so little money right now that  we are going to have to take what we can get and make the best choice for us based on what is available. We are praying and trusting that God has a plan and has something set aside for us. That He will take care of us as He always has.

Mom and I watched a great documentary last night called "I'm fine thanks".  It's about complacency in our lives. They shared stories of people that have started out so much like mine, but I'm hoping mine will end up more like theirs. The movie discussed how, growing up, we are ingrained to live the "American Dream" which goes something like this..... Graduate from high school, go to and graduate from college, get a good job, get married, start a family, retire and then live your dreams.  But how many does that actually happen for?  What if the American dream isn't my dream? And it isn't. Not anymore. It used to be because that is what I grew up thinking that normal was.  I just wanted to be normal. As I got older I cared less about being normal and just wanted fulfillment.  What happens if your "American Dream" gets derailed? What do you do if the "American Dream" makes you miserable and you get up everyday hating your life and wondering if it would be better to drive off that embankment you pass on the way to work everyday? What do you do then?

Watching this movie I found myself listening to these peoples stories and saying things like "Sounds like me" and  "I've said that", over and over again. It was so good to know that even if the people in my life don't understand, at least somewhere, there are people like me who do understand. 

My last day of work is coming quickly,I have 9 days left, but at the same time it seems like it has taken forever.  I can't wait to be done, but it will be strange not to get up and go to work everyday. The week after I quite I will begin listing items on eBay to sell. I have a couple boxes in storage ready to take pictures of and get posted. I just need to get my postal scale out.

Life will change and I will adjust. Hopefully we can find a better way to live this life.

Sidenote -
Something just occurred to me as I was writing the last line. A thought came to my mind and it went something along the lines of "Does God really want you to be happy, or does God want you to find happiness in Him despite your circumstances? Why wouldn't God want you to go to a crappy, thankless job you despise that makes you depressed and angry? Wouldn't He just want you to trust Him and lean on Him?" That.....that would be my Christian upbringing. The way the church uses words and phrases makes me crazy. So often they are twisted to make you feel guilty.

I can't help but think that such thoughts are from the enemy. Why wouldn't God want us to try to better our lives?  Staying in such a situation is punishing yourself, who says it's from God? Just because something is difficult, doesn't mean God brought it in to our lives or that God wants us to stay there. Go to Him and ask Him what to do! Use the brain He gave you and think for yourself!  If it's a situation where God actively put you (you didn't put yourself), and you know for certain that He wants you there, that's one thing. I cannot even begin to imagine how many things get started "in the name of God/Jesus" that He never asked for. It then makes me wonder how much damage has been incurred, on people and on the kingdom,  because of such things and it breaks my heart if I think on it too long.

I love Jesus, but I think a lot of his followers do too much following of other influential Christians and not enough thinking and/or studying for themselves. But then, that's how I feel about people in general. Too much listening to others and doing what they say, not enough taking in all the information, including their own thoughts, and then acting on those conclusions. Listening to the government about what is healthy and not healthy in reference to diet is a prime example, but that's for another post.

-end rant-

Have a good week all! I plan to start writing more when I'm done with my job and on the road.

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